Thursday, November 17, 2011

Foundations of Spires

                I think, my dear readers, I will again entreat you with a weird blog post.  This time, however, I will be looking into a song I have been writing.  Granted, I have not finished the song’s lyrics, I was blessed with a strong theme that I am really quite excited about.  The song deals with a modified version of the biblical story of the tower of Babel. 
                For those of you who either do not remember or know this story, I will give a brief recap: After the Flood, God again commanded people to multiply and fill the earth.  The people of the earth disobeyed Him, though, placing themselves all in one big city and building a tower “to make a name for themselves.”  Seeing this, God goes down and confuses their language, forcing them to do as He originally intended.
                The theme I get from this story is that of building a tower for one’s own glory.  I can see that in my life all the time and I think a lot of people struggle with this.  I wanted to take the idea to a new level, though, so I thought of spires (which is pretty much a really stinkin’ tall tower).  I know I have often taken credit for the things I have been blessed with and let it stop there.  I find myself thinking, “I really am a great guy,” or, “I’m so much better than them.”  I hate these thoughts that echo in my head like a plague that is me.  So a vision that came out of this thought was that of a endless megalopolis filled with huge towers scratching at the heavens.  About a day later, it came to me to add a flower to this image.  A craggy skyline dark in the background with a flower juxtaposed against it, looking to be as tall as them.  This image really excited me, though, and I hope the song turns out as well as I hope it will.
                In any case, I hope you all weren’t entirely bored out of your mind by this one.  I am considering posting the lyrics to the song later, but we’ll see.  If nothing, maybe you can check my Youtube channel for the actually song later on. 

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