Thursday, September 22, 2011

          For this week’s blog, I want to look more broadly at the issue of what it is to “be a man.”  Understand, though, that most of this applies to both men and women, though.    
          Men are designed to be strong and decisive by their very nature.  While often they can be bull-headed and stubborn, they also can be directed by the wisdom of another.  A problem with men, though, is that we also have the strong desire to be passive when the time of need comes.   We “wimp out” and fail to do what we know we should have done.  Looking back at the countless places where I could have acted and done something for the better of the situation, I know I am guilty of this crime.  So I urge those reading to be strong and courageous and to listen to those around us. 
          I also want to encourage men and women to be what Grace calls “servant leaders.”  Looking back at all those who have ruled all the various societies, we know that the tyrants all eventually were taken down and that those who serve rather than simply push are much more successful.  We need to serve each other that we might learn from each other.  Another tidbit of information I was given recently (from an author called Jon Acuff) was that a true leader does not look at a person thinking “what can I get from them” but “what can I give them.”  I have found myself analyzing just how I look at people from this simple idea. 
          These are just some thoughts I have been having recently and I wanted to get them down.  This has been a very, very brief look at the responsibilities we bear and I may choose to come back to this issue in the future.  So for now, just remember that we all need to look for what we can be giving others, rather than simply what we can be getting from them. 

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